

Bakhoor, bukhoor or frankincense is a kind of perfume with scented oil that is popular in the Arab countries.
It contains a type of incense, which consists of wood scraps infused with scented oil.

Bakhoor, bukhoor, incense roses and all khanger

The Moroccan bakhoor also contains a kind of incense, which also consists of
wood scraps that are soaked with fragrant oil but also contains various other ingredients,
which have been carefully selected according to an old Moroccan recipe.

Marokkaanse bakhoor, bukhoor, wierook amber

 The bakhoor is burned with charcoal in a bakhoor burner where the fragrance is released.

Seda’s Miracle has special bakhoor burners (incense burners) where you can burn the bakhoor so that a wonderful scent is released.

In the Arab countries, the bakhoor burner (incense burner) is used to spread a wonderful scent in the house, the car or to refresh yourself.

Seda’s Miracle has various bakhoor scents and burners in its range .

In addition to the bakhoor and bakhoor burners, Seda’s Miracle also has various room sprays and Moroccan scented cubes in its range.

The other names often given to bakhoor are bukhoor, bukhour or frankincense.



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